Minister unveils plan for transformation

The Department of Tourism will be implementing a transformation plan, developed under the guidance of the Tourism Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Charter Council, Tourism Minister Thokozile Xasa announced in Parliament today in her Tourism Budget Vote Speech.

The plan includes leveraging SA Tourism marketing to position black enterprises, providing access to finance for black owned enterprises, and maximizing the empowerment of black people through concessions in state owned facilities. The Minister said the department would use partnerships to bring in existing black operators to serve as management companies for state owned facilities.

Xasa said the Department would also partner with industry to scale up enterprise and supplier development. Initiatives will also strengthen market access for black owned enterprises.

Other elements of the plan include using state procurement levers, in partnership with Treasury, to empower black suppliers of tourism products and services. “The value of travel and related services consumed by organs of state an ally is estimated at R10 billion,” said Xasa, adding that this presents an opportunity for transformation.

“Our ultimate goal is to participate in the black industrialist programme,” said Xasa.

To read the full Budget Vote, click here